The therapist walks alongside the client on their journey of insight and process. Through the study of contact between counsellor and client the two are working along the razor’s edge of relating. How things show up here in session can provide insights into patterns that might be reoccurring in the client’s life outside.
Inviting a quietening of the busy mind allows for us to drop into the body. To reveal the powerful and intuitive knowledge held within. This modality brings curiosity to sensations and emotions that arise. Do they have a colour, shape, temperature? And most importantly what message might they carry with them? The body holds many answers, we just need to slow down and listen.
Just like the body needs attention so does our conscious mind. Dabaco’s training in meditation and yin yoga has greatly expanded his capacity to sit with what is. This is a powerful practice that helps clients clear the mental clutter, raise awareness to potential patterns and offer a new opportunity to journey along a different path forward.
What clients say